
Become a Certified Trauma Therapist or Practitioner with Instinctual Trauma Response (ITR)®

Visit ITR Training

ITR Training Institute offers a variety of trauma-effective courses to the public and mental health providers. The ITR courses are designed to inform a person about trauma, how the body and brain work with it, and how to deal with it simply, quickly and effectively. ITR is adaptable for different kinds of service delivery, can be used with children 3 years old, adolescents and adults, It does not require reliving, and can be used with traumas of all kinds (including preverbal).

ITR’s Level 1 Accelerated Traumatology Course 101/Peer Support is for any person wanting to know how to be trauma-effective and a ITR Certified® Peer Support Provider.

The Level 2 and 3 advanced courses assure proficiency in using Instinctual Trauma Response® (ITR) with any and all traumas in practice. We do not restrict education. Anyone can learn ITR. A practitioner must know their own state laws.

Depending, the courses are delivered in-person, live-virtual, or self-paced online.

The ITR Training Institute LLC has Intellectual Property Agreements signed with any therapist who studies with us, It owns trademarks and copyrights on the names and materials as well as intellectual property rights to the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS), an assessment that is going to revolutionize mental health.

There are over 500 practitioners trained to use in the last 7 years and many are ITR Certified Trauma Therapists. Our numbers are growing exponentially as clients and mental health practitioners are finding the most prominent, evidence-based approaches are lacking in their ability to fully resolve complex trauma on all the levels necessary for full recovery.

The focus for 2023 is to train more practitioners to use the ITR® approach and reach more first responders to teach them how to become trauma-effective.

We want to be able to fund community health centers and other non-profits to learn ITR and empower their communities with effective and affordable traumatic stress treatment.

Technology Advances For Accessibility

ITR App:

The mobile-responsive web-application makes ITR easy to do virtually as well as in-person. This is a convenient, subscription-based, self-help tool designed to keep a person’s work organized and accessible. It greatly enhances a person’s virtual work experience and engages the younger generations.

There are 212 subscriptions to date since the soft-launch in June 2021. $49/year First month trial period. The app upkeep is expensive and will always need updates and enhancements. Virtual work is crucial to the accessibility of mental health. We want to give the free of charge to those clinics and communities in need.

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